On September 16th at 9:02 PM our sweet Noah made his appearance into this world. I had an absolutely amazing delivery, besides certain things feeling a little off due to covid, but I am overall so pleased with our experience.
Wednesday morning I was set to be induced at 7:30 AM, but the hospital was packed so we were told to hold off on coming in. Finally at 12:30, we were able to go in and get situated for our induction. As soon as we got into the room and I got into the hospital gown I had to get COVID tested. Luckily it wasn’t the one that goes super far back into your head. It felt like the flu test. I tested negative so the nurse said I didn’t have to wear a mask. It was dependent on how each nurse felt about the situation, quickly all my nurses and doctors were perfectly fine with me not wearing one. Dustin did have to wear one whenever someone was in the room.
Around 2 pm I got a cervix softening pill. I was 3 cm and soft but the hospital likes to soften the cervix before Pitocin to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging. Once you take the pill you wait 4 hours then you can get Pitocin. finally, around 7 pm my midwife came in and broke my water, I was actually having light contractions on my own and had dilated to a 4. Once she broke my water I requested an epidural. The anesthesiologist was in the room within 30 minutes but getting the epidural felt like forever. the tube had to be readjusted several times and at that point, I was having consistent and pretty painful contractions. Little did I know I was dilating fast. By 8:00 I called the nurse in because the epidural wasn’t working on my left side and I was still in pain, She adjusted me and decided to check me to see if I was ready to be administered Pitocin. I was at a 9 and we were shocked. I dilated from a 4 to a 9 within an hour. They started getting everything ready for me to have the baby. I was nervous at this point. I didn’t think time would go so fast and I was nervous about becoming a new mom again, let alone a mom of two.
The doctors were so sweet and allowed me to face time with my mom. One thing covid ruined for me was having my mom and sister there with me. They were amazing support and got pictures of Emma’s birth when I had her, but this time it was just Dustin so we had to make due. Noah was pushed out within 7 minutes and we did skin to skin / delayed cord clamping which I was so happy about. These were things I didn’t know I could do with Emma and so badly wished I could have implemented.
I was so nervous about this delivery. I feel like delivery is already scary by itself but add health issues and it makes it even more nerve-racking. There were complications that could have happened an there were things that could have affected Noah but God was with us. I prayed so much during my pregnancy that he would come out happy and healthy and I am truly blessed that we had such an amazing birth and delivery. We are so in love with our little one and I am so happy being a mom of two.