Something I have done this pregnancy that I didn’t do the first time, and wish I did was postpartum meal planning. Each week since the start of my third trimester I have made a couple of meals and have frozen them. This is going to make life after baby so much easier. Instead of having to cook multiple meals a day I can now just pull one out of the freezer and thaw it.
I have compiled a list of my favorite meals I have made and frozen to give you guys some Ideas as well.

- Egg cups. These are so easy to make! I love making these for breakfast anyways but they were so easy to make and throw in a freezer bag.
- Overnight oats. So these aren’t ones that I freeze but I make them for a week in advance in a mason jar and keep them in the fridge for a week.
- smoothies. the first way I am doing make-ahead smoothies, I am bagging up all the ingredients for a smoothie in a freezer bag and keeping it in the freezer. This way I can just pop them in the blender with some almond milk and have breakfast ready.
- another alternative is also food service, I love to drink revive smoothies, they’re super easy and convenient. Code mYTAYLOREDLIFESTYLEe55 will save you 55% off your first order!
- I am a sucker for breakfast sandwiches, It is so nice to have them to grab and go.

- Chili, of course, I had to make chili! I made it ahead and froze it fully cooked. I love chili and its perfect for my fall seasoned postpartum recovery.
- Lasagna. I love lasagna and it lasts so long! This is a perfect freezer meal, you can also pair it with frozen garlic bread as well.
- crockpot chicken tacos are amazing. All you have to do is thaw them out and put them on tortillas and you are set!
- this garlic pork stir fry is absolutely delicious and such a perfect addition to your freezer stash.
- Beef noodle casserole is another easy but yummy recipe to freeze. I love all the kinds of pasta postpartum, I won’t lie.
- Burritos are on the spectrum with tacos, so yummy, easy to make, and freeze.
I hope these meal ideas were able to give you a little inspiration. I do advise you to make one or two at a time and try not to overwhelm yourself with hours of cooking. I would love to see if you make any of these meals or hear meals that you made for postpartum in the comment section!